Family Law Issues? Issues involving your children are among the most sensitive you may face. They require the skills of a tireless advocate and trusted advisor who will guide you through the process and fight for you every step of the way.
Victoria is committed to providing her clients with compassionate representation in all aspects of family law. Victoria also assists clients in fair hearings to challenge indicated Child Protective reports.
Divorce Questions? Regardless of why a marriage is ending, you need a smart, compassionate attorney to help steer you through the divorce or separation process to find the unique path that best meets your goals.
Victim of Domestic Violence? Victoria has the training and experience to protect your interests and assist you in navigating the family court system in your unique circumstances.
Victoria currently accepts assignments to represent clients in Ontario and Yates Counties.
Areas of Practice
Family Law
Child Support
Child Custody
Grandparent Custody
Abuse and neglect
Family Offense
Matrimonial & Divorce Law
Criminal Misdeameanors
Traffic Offenses
Family Court Appeals
Attorney for the Child appointments (made directly by the Court)